Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Page cannot be displayed when you click a document link

Applies To:
Document libraries which has checkin-checkout enabled.

Steps to re-produce:
1. Go to a document library and upload multiple documents.
2. Add a ContentQuery Webpart and display Title links from the document library used above.
3. Click on any link and you should be able to open the document.
4. Login with some other User Credentials and navigate to same ContentQuery Webpart
5. Click on any link and you should be able to open the document.

Error : Page cannot be displayed ????

This is because when you upload multiple document using Multiple Upload screen , all the uploaded documents are basically in check-out state and are available to original user only.

Check-in the document which will make the documents available to all the other users.

1. Login with the User credentials who uploaded the document
2. Naviagte to the document library
3. Check-in the document.